Tales Regarding Tea estate trails Bungalows in Hatton
I woke up on a sunny day. The constant monsoon rains had been steadily showering overnight and the morning was crisp and clear. I looked out as always through the bedroom window to scan over the acres of tea plantation that grew just a hundred feet away from his house and swept over the dales and hills like a well-manicured lawn that disappeared into the blue horizon. On the distant hill scape, I can see the tea pluckers with their baskets draped behind them going about the regular tasks of choosing the teas from the designated areas. These tea pluckers, mostly women, were some of the most effective human machines as they filled their baskets up with the bud and a couple of leaves using just their fingers as they just effortlessly and agilely moved their hands across the tea bushes just like a maestro playing on a vast green grand piano in one of the tea estate trails Bungalows in Hatton . I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride as he was the Chief Superinten...